Academic Departments
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rajiv Gandhi Government Engineering College, Nagrota Bagwan, Kangra. The course offered is B.Tech – Mechanical Engineering. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has always been working to nurture future engineers, researchers, and entrepreneurs by involving them in a variety of academic activities ranging from the development of fundamental knowledge about Mechanical Processes to the creation of novel applications that benefit society as a whole.
To maintain a high standard of education, the Department offers extracurricular and co-curricular activities along with add-on courses in addition to the academic syllabi to ensure that the students are well-prepared to deal with changing industry trends. Since its inception in 2014, the department has been dedicated in developing Mechanical Engineering professionals with the abilities required for success in today’s highly competitive and swiftly evolving industry.
The alumni of the Department occupy high positions in industry and academia, in India and abroad.
Department is equipped with highly qualified and dedicated faculty and technical staff. Most of of the faculty members have earned their Ph.Ds or Masteres dergrees from premier institutes of India like N.I.Ts and I.I.Ts.
The faculty members have also published research papers and articles in a variety of conferences and journals. Presently the department is only 8 years young, and has been fortunate to have developed some of the infrastructure through RUSA grants awarded by Govt. of India , beside generous funding by Himachal Pradesh government. Most of the laboratories have either been developed or modernized through World Bank funded TEQIP-III Programme of Govt. of India. The department is currently also received a research grant of more than Rs. 15 Lacs under SERB- DST through one of the faculty members.
With adequately skilled professionals at its disposal, the Mechanical Engineering Department is striving to become one among the quality academic and research centers in the growing disciplines of Mechanical Engineering along with serving students for making them industry ready professionals.

Dr. Mohit Dhiman
Professor and
Head -Mechanical Engineering Department
Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Engineering College Kangra
at Nagrota Bagwan, Distt. Kangra, H.P.