Rajiv Gandhi Government Engineering College Kangra at Nagrota Bagwan



Ragging is strictly prohibited. Ragging is a cognizable offense under the law, at par with rape and other atrocities against women and ill-treatment of any student. Anyone who indulges in this crime will be severely dealt with and an F.I.R will be lodged against the guilty as per the Supreme Court of India and MHRD directives. At the time of registration, students and their parents have given an undertaking that he/she will not indulge in the unlawful activity of ragging.

We request all the students to be watchful and help the administration in all possible ways, to root out ragging in all its forms. For any emergency, please contact the following:

S.N. Name & Designation Role in Committee Contact No.
1 Prof. Deepak Kumar, Director-cum-Principal Chairman 9418459175
2 Sh. Harsh Kumar, AP, ASH Member Secretary 7018028129
3 Sh. Vishal Chaudhary, AP, CED Member 7018168031
4 Mr. Karan Sharma, AP, B.Arch. Member 8988147993
5 Mrs. Raj Kumari, AP, English Member 8894276302
6 Sh. Ramesh Sharma, Supdt. Grade-1 Member 9816137404
7 DSP, Kangra or his/her nominee, STPO, Office, Near Tehsil Chowk Kangra Distt. Kangra-176001 (HP) Police Administration Representative 01892263541/01892252441
8 Tehsildar, Nagrota Bagwan Distt. Kangra-176047 (HP) Civil Administration Representative 01892249600
9 Dr. Chandan Anand, Assistant Public Relation Officer, Dharamshala Distt. Kangra-176215 (HP) Media Representative 9882400102
10 Mr. Abhishek Khanna, Jagori Rural Charitable Trust, Rakkar Road Sidhbari, Dharamshala, Distt. Kangra-176057 (HP) NGO Representative 8988311772
11 Mr. Ishwar Thakur, House No. 109, Ward no. 2, Kaisthwari Road, Nagrota Bagwan, Distt. Kangra (H.P.)-176047 Parent Representative 7018738875
12 All CR's of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th (B.Arch.) Year Student Representatives

Punishable Ingredients of Ragging


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