Communication Lab
The Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities also equipped with a full-fledged Language Lab. The lab has latest communication software which included licensed as well as free wares which offers a variety of functions such as Recording, Test Preparation, Student Monitoring, Teacher/Student Call, etc. The main entity is connected to 38 listening booths which have been specially designed for student-teacher interaction, and greater concentration for language learning. The lab is used by students belonging to the B. Tech. first year as well as by the second year onwards for personality development programs every semester.

Computer Programming Lab
The Basic objective of computer lab is to understand the basic concepts of computer fundamentals as well as the programming language C++. To impart writing skills of C++ programming to the students and solve problems. Moreover, to teach students C++programming concepts like looping, functions and array.

Chemistry Lab
Chemistry Laboratory comprises of well-equipped and spacious laboratory for practical training in the subject. Spectrophotometer, PH meter, calorimeter, glass distillation unit, electric balance, electric oven, thermostatic water bath, thermostatic hot plates are some of the major equipments available in the lab. All glass apparatus are of standard borosil and quality reagents required for the practical are available in the laboratory in sufficient quantity.

Physics Lab
Physics Laboratory comprises of well-equipped and spacious laboratory for practical training in the subject. Different experiments are performed in Physics Lab including De Sauty Bridge, Sextant, B-H curve, Four probe method, Stewart Gee’s exp., and Hall coefficient measurement. Experiments on Laser, Optical Fiber and Planck’s constant measurement are performed in the dark room of the laboratory.