Rajiv Gandhi Government Engineering College Kangra at Nagrota Bagwan

COs of 3rd Semester ECE

Probability and Statistics MA-301
CO1 Achieve the ability to address real-world challenges by applying probability theory and statistical techniques effectively.
CO2 Develop a deep understanding of random variables, their distributions, and their practical applications for modelling real-world phenomena.
CO3 Acquire the ability to extract actionable insights from data by estimating population parameters accurately, constructing confidence intervals, and conducting hypothesis test with practical implications.
CO4 Master the skills to make data-driven decisions, including hypothesis testing for various parameters and the analysis of relationships using correlation and regression.
CO5 Cultivate the skillset to tackle genuine, practical challenges by systematically employing statistical methods, enhancing the ability to provide valuable solutions in various professional contexts.
Analog Electronics EC 301
CO1 Memorize the basic knowledge of physical and electrical conducting properties of semiconductor diodes.
CO2 Explain the behavior of different optoelectronic devices.
CO3 Apply the different configuration of transistor for the analysis of Hybrid parameter.
CO4 Differentiate between various types of negative feedback topologies.
CO5 Justify the behavior of different multistage amplifiers using BJTs and study high frequency response of all amplifiers.
Digital Electronics EC 302
CO1 Became familiar with the digital signal, positive and negative logic, Boolean algebra, logic gates, logical variables, the truth table, number systems, codes, and their conversion from to others.
CO2 Learn the minimization techniques to simply the hardware requirements of digital circuits, implement it, design and apply for real time digital systems
CO3 The ability to understand, analyze and design various combinational and sequential circuits
CO4 Became able to know various types of components-ADC and DAC, memory elements and the timing circuits to generate different waveforms, and also the different logic families involved in the digital system.
Network Analysis & Synthesis EC 303
CO1 K2-summarise dot convention, coupled circuits, KCL, KVL, and different circuit parameters.
CO2 K3-implement ac network analysis techniques using mesh analysis, nodal analysis, network theorems, and graph theory for finding out network solutions.
CO3 K3-apply Laplace transform in circuit analysis and transformation.
CO4 K3-examine steady state response, transient response, network functions and two-port parameters.
CO5 K4-analyse two port networks using Foster and Cauer Forms and for positive real functions.
Signals & Systems EC 304
CO1 Represent the various types of signals & systems and perform mathematical operations on them.
CO2 Analyze the response of LTI system using Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
CO3 Select proper transform method to fulfill the task of processing the signals.
CO4 Describe sampling theorem and its applications in signals & systems.
Digital Electronics Lab EC-306
CO1 Define different types of logic gates, identify their ICs and also verify their truth table
CO2 Became familiar with working and testing of different combinational circuits
CO3 Became familiar with working and testing of different Sequential circuits
MATLAB & its application in signals & systems EC 307
CO1 Demonstrate the features of MATLAB.
CO2 Analyze the generation Various Signals and Sequences in MATLAB, including the operations on Signals and Sequences.
CO3 Prepare professional quality textual and computational results, incorporating accepted data analysis and synthesis methods, simulation software, and word‐processing tools.
Sociology & Elemeents of Indian History for Engineers (HS-306)
CO1 To enable students to understand the various sociological concepts, social system, social structure, social institution & social stratification.
CO2 To enable students to understand the evolution of society after understanding the features of tribal, agrarian & industrial society
CO3 To enable students to understand secularism & Communalism.
CO4 To enable students to acquire the basic knowledge of history and its sources.
CO5 To enable students to understand the major historical events till independence.
CO6 To enable students to understand the issues & concerns after independence
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