Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The main objective of the B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Program is to develop quality mechanical engineers so that, following the completion of the program and with a few years of experience, our graduates (alumni) will have the expertise to:
PEO 1 Apply good knowledge of fundamentals in basic sciences and mechanical engineering for solving real world problems.
PEO 2 Practice mechanical engineering towards designing efficient systems, and economical manufacturing solutions.
PEO 3 Enhance professional practice to meet the local needs with global standards, strong ethics and social responsibility.
PEO 4 Solve practical problems faced by industry and society, by using engineering techniques and applying environmentally sensitive solutions.
PEO 5 Pursue life-long learning by professional excellence and working in large multi- disciplinary teams.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
On the successful completion of the program, the mechanical engineering graduate will be able to:
• PO1: Engineering knowledge:
o Apply the knowledge of engineering specialization through basics of mathematics and science for solving complex engineering problems.
• PO2: Problem analysis:
o Identify, formulate, and analyze practical engineering problems to reach at substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
• PO3: Design/development of solutions:
o Design solutions for practical complex problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
• PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems:
o Use innovative methods including analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide logical solutions with valid conclusions.
• PO5: Modern tool usage:
o Use or Create appropriate techniques, modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities while keeping constraints in focus.
• PO6: The engineer and society:
o Apply logical reasoning aided by the contextual knowledge to assess health, safety, and cultural issues in community to fulfill responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
• PO7: Environment and sustainability:
o Understand the need of sustainable development by understanding end impact of the professional engineering solutions on environment, and offer safer engineering solutions to society.
• PO8: Ethics:
o Apply professional ethical principles while discharging responsibilities of the engineering practice.
• PO9: Individual and team work:
o Function effectively as an individual, member or even as leader in multidisciplinary teams or diverse communities.
• PO10: Communication:
o Communicate effectively with society and industry, to comprehend and write effective reports and design documents, give and receive clear instructions.
• PO11: Project management and finance:
o Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the mechanical engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own practice, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments of industry and community.
• PO12: Life-long learning:
o Engage in independent and life-long learning by continuous technical adaptations to the wider needs and problems encountered by society and industry.